The One With All Ten Seasons

A while ago, a friend lent me the first six seasons of "Friends" that she had in her proud possession. It didn't take me very long to get addicted to the show. I don't watch television very often, so it is one of those shows where I occasionally pick up one episode.
After being hooked up with those DVDs and after shamelessly seeing them in an all-records-breaking timespan, I bought myself the ten-season-box and saw the rest of them funnies.
Yes, you can call me crazy. But as long as I don't start to use Joey's pickupline (oops) and start to share Ross's habit in bad marriages (honestly, do I look like I've already been there?), I think I'll be fine. However, you might recognize some Chandler-sarcasm in my stupid jokes from now on. Then again, some people claim that has always been the case.